1、记录水平上的数据项(Record-level Terms) 2、分布数据项(Occurrence Terms) 3、事件数据项(Event Terms) 4、自然地理背景数据项(GeologicalContext Terms) 5、分布地点数据项(Location Terms) 6、鉴定的数据项(Identification Terms) 7、分类群的数据项(Taxon Terms) 8、资源关系的数据项(ResourceRelationship Ter...
1、记录水平上的数据项(Record-level Terms) 2、分布数据项(Occurrence Terms) 3、事件数据项(Event Terms) 4、自然地理背景数据项(GeologicalContext Terms) 5、分布地点数据项(Location Terms) 6、鉴定的数据项(Identification Terms) 7、分类群的数据项(Taxon Terms) 8、资源关系的数据项(ResourceRelationship Ter...
O. Webb. Darwin-sw: Darwin core-based terms for expressing biodiversity data as rdf. Semantic Web, 7(6):629-643, October 2016.Baskauf S, Webb C (2016) Darwin-SW: Darwin Core-based terms for expressing biodiversity data as RDF. Semantic Web 7 (6): 629‑643. https://doi.org/...
Darwin Tech Cloud services with AWS IoT Core Our products Darwin Tech has helped develop and produce toys, industrial, automotive, medical, and consumer products. | | | | | What we do ELECTRICAL Schematic & PCB Multi-Layer Design Cost Down and BOM Cost Analysis ...
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Darwin-SW (DSW) is an RDF vocabulary designed to complement the Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) Darwin Core Standard. DSW is based on a model derived from a community discussion about the relationships among the main Darwin Core classes. DSW creates a new class to accommodate an import...
GENERATED CSV file with all Darwin Core terms as a column │ ├── simple_dwc_horizontal.csv : GENERATED CSV file with Simple Darwin Core terms as a row │ └── simple_dwc_vertical.csv : GENERATED CSV file with Simple Darwin Core terms as a column │├── docs (GENERATED except fo...
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the richest and most comprehensive account to date of how contemporaries came to terms with the intellectual and emotional shocks of evolutionary theory. It makes a compelling case for taking proper account of age as a fundamental historical dynamic, and for the powerful generational patternings of ...
Victorian Faucet with Cross Handles ->Heavy, Solid Brass Core Construction, Vibrant chiseled look design. ->Oil Rubbed Bronze finish, left photo, that matches traditional vanity sinks. Also available in Antique Bronze finish shown at right, Click here for product photo.->Dripless ceramic disk ...