These interviews can give you information about their personalities, their strengths, their weaknesses, their accomplishments, and so forth. Ask them what life was like when they grew up. Ask them to describe their homes when they were children. Ask them if they had any Sith Lords as friends...
A showdown was staged on Kalakar Six, and the two Sith Lords fought to see who would rule the galaxy alongside the Emperor. Maul came close to victory, only to be slain by Vader, whose destiny was not yet fulfilled. Some years after the Battle of Endor, Maul's remains were ...
For years, Palpatine worked to not only dismantle the Republic, but also the Jedi Order. Being a Sith Lord, he felt he knew all of the Jedi’s weaknesses and exactly how to bring them down. His plan ultimately succeeded, leading to the rise of the Galactic Empire, but there were many ...
and Count Dooku's rogue assassin Asajj Ventress. Due to a tie in the vote, I have elected to use Darth Maul as he was in The Phantom Menace for this match. I will use Darth Maul as he is in The Clone Wars for his next match, whether it be in round two or round one of the...