Thugs face Darth Vader lookalikesARCHIE MACPHERSON
Darth Vader isn’t exactly known as a flashy dresser, so when coloring him in you will likely be using lots of greys and black colors. These are what we used in our reference image, and to color in your Darth Vader drawing you will want to use lots of different shades instead of your...
Vader finds himself flying towards this massive squid-like creature afterthe Wayfinder he obtains from the Eye of Webbish Boggin issue #8 directs him towards Exegol,the hidden redoubt world of the Sith, where he hopes to obtain Palpatine's secret plans. Not only must he defeat or, at least...
Seen having a complete bar brawl and shootout once the Darshi grows suspicious of Thrawn and Vader's presence. As such, the evidence of their battle can be seen in the actualOga's Cantina, complete with blaster scoring and impacts on the stone walls. It's a very small yet very cool de...
Grab those free printable Star Wars pumpkin carving stencils in ourpost titledFree STAR WARS Pumpkin Carving Templates here. Scroll down to download, print and save our Free Darth Vader Pumpkin Carving Stencil. More Free Disney Themed Pumpkin Carving Templates ...