Another idea involved the Secret Apprentice, the main character, sent to find Plagueis as part of a plot by Darth Vader to resurrect Padmé Amidala. Still other ideas included revealing that the Apprentice was Plagueis reborn, or using a reformed Plagueis as the Apprentice's mentor.[43] ...
“We still don’t know the precise parameters of the role Darth Vader will play in Rogue One. Most of the rumors have him as a prominent player in a few scenes and something to fear for the heroes. If it amounts to a few shots or a few sequences is still up in the...
He was supposedly resurrected in 0 BBY by three Prophets of the Dark Side for the purpose of presenting a worthier successor to Darth Sidious than his current apprentice, Darth Vader. A showdown was staged on Kalakar Six, and the two Sith Lords fought to see who would rule the galaxy ...