Browse the Marvel Comics issue Star Wars: Darth Vader (2020) #38. Learn where to read it, and check out the comic's cover art, variants, writers, & more!
Before the construction of the firstDeath Starwas completed,Darth Vaderfails to stop a rogue Jedi named Ferren Barr from setting crucial events in motion that lead to the destruction of the Empire's second planet-destroying battle station. AfterRevenge of the Sith, Emperor Palpatine tasks Vader w...
Browse the Marvel Comics issue Star Wars: Darth Vader (2020) #37. Learn where to read it, and check out the comic's cover art, variants, writers, & more!
Browse the Marvel Comics issue Star Wars: Darth Vader (2020) #48. Learn where to read it, and check out the comic's cover art, variants, writers, & more!
Darth Vader is a lead villain in the Star Wars franchise whose unique character design has made him one of the most recognizable villains in pop culture.
Known for his deep resonant voice, Jones was cast in many voice-over roles in television advertising and in films, both as a narrator and for animated characters. He is perhaps best known for giving voice to the villainDarth Vaderin theStar Warsseries of movies, which began in 1977. In 19...