Sideshow1/5星球大战风太大达斯摩尔雕像达斯·摩尔(Darth Maul,旧译:达斯魔、达斯·莫尔、达斯莫罗、达斯魔尔),首次登场于科幻电影《星球大战前传一:幽灵的威胁》,日后只自称“摩尔”,是来自达索米尔(Dathomir)的达 - 阿澜聊佰像于20240221发布在抖音,已经收获了
Sideshow1/4星球大战达斯摩尔PF雕像达斯·摩尔(Darth Maul,旧译:达斯魔、达斯·莫尔、达斯莫罗、达斯魔尔),首次登场于科幻电影《星球大战前传一:幽灵的威胁》,日后只自称“摩尔”,是来自达索米尔(Dathomir)的达索米尔人(扎布拉克人),也是达斯·西迪厄斯的前学徒,曾在贸易联盟入侵纳布期间被达斯·西迪厄斯派去杀死奎刚...
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Later, Maul was sent to Naboo, where he fought Jinn and his apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Though he killed the Jedi Master, Maul underestimated Kenobi's skill and was severed in half at the waist by the Padawan. Sidious would quickly replace Maul with another powerful apprentice: the late ...
光剑对决:Darth..个人觉得星战电影中最具技术含量的光剑格斗就是Star Wars Episode I-Phantom Menace里Darth Maul和Qui-Gon Jinn & Obi-Wan Kenob
在《Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace》對上Ewan McGregor 飾演 Obi-Wan Kenobi的 Darth Maul,據報導稱原本將於即將上映的 Disney+《Star Wars》外傳影集《Obi-Wan Kenobi》出現,但最終被取消並被Darth Vader替代。 據The Hollywood Reporter報導,Ray Park 原本在積極準備回歸飾演 Darth Maul,但影集原...
confronting obi-wan kenobi near the lars homestead on tatooine. while this story has been technically rendered non-canon, this was the first time darth maul was depicted with robot-legs. this design specifically inspired the animators on the clone wars when darth maul was brought back into “...
10/14/2024 by Brent Lang Variety Film + TV The Mandalorian How Jon Watts Assembled His Star Wars: Skeleton Crew Director Team, From Daniels To David Lowery 10/18/2024 by Ben Travis Empire - TV Sony unveils the poster for Karate Kid: Legends ahead of tonight’s New York Comic Con panel...
官方釋出動畫劇集《Star Wars Rebels》最新一集的預告內容──Obi-Wan 對決 Darth Maul。 即將放映的一集名為《Twin Suns》,講述Darth Maul前往星球Tatooine找尋 Obi-Wan 的蹤影…究竟他們是否會再次展現生死決鬥呢? 前往Tatooine的還有主角Ezra Bridger,他和 Darth Maul 是否會重遇呢?
在线看Darth Maul and Obi-Wan Kenobi 2分钟 25秒。2018 5月 3的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 44 — 已浏览。 13 — 已评价。