abandoned golf course in the middle of a desert with her family. Her mother, Brooke, is a rebellious socialite on the outs with her wealthy family. Her stepfather, Eddie, is a former actor in a B-movie vampire franchise who makes his living attending horror conventions. Cosima dreams...
We went to two entertaining movies this weekend: a really strong 3D conversion of JURASSIC PARK, which actually improves the movie, and a respectful re-boot of THE EVIL DEAD. The latter is not really a comedy, despite what some reviews say, and harkens more to the first grim EVIL DEAD ...
Oscar-Winning movie, "Room". We launched an Indigogo (Crowd Funding) campaign to pay for the making of this dream video. Contributions are tax-deductible. If all our friends give aLITTLE,we can make aBIGdream come true. The song "Carousel" was written with all the romance & joy of ou...