DARLING in the FRANXX: With Yûto Uemura, Kana Ichinose, Nanami Yamashita, Saori Hayami. In a future world where humanity has been driven to endangerment by giant beasts, a strike force is assembled to destroy the monsters and save the world.
唯美绝伦的第8集(DARLING in the FRANXX) 全程没有任何生硬的剧情,没有任何突兀的人物表现和反应,各种伏笔为后续剧情人设铺路, 作画也很棒很用心、经典桥段对白也不少,宅迷们可以抓取不少。 情感戏也很棒,甚至比《四月谎》表现的还要好。 女主表现让人着迷,动作洒脱、举止大方、面容装扮也姣好, 重新加载 唯美绝...
Interestingly, the manga adaptation ofDarling in the Franxxoffered a more satisfying conclusion. Ending closer to the emotional peak of the series, the manga delivered a more streamlined and coherent story. As a result, many fans believe that the anime would have been stronger if it had followed...
DARLING in the FRANXX Episode 2 After the high from his first battle, Hiro has been dragged back to the dirt again when he is unable to pilot with Ichigo for a mock-battle. This especially sucks for him because if he can’t pilot, in his mind, he is good as dead. It was sad to...
The children are left all alone to battle for their survival. #23DARLING in the FRANXX The team heads off to space to fight the final battle. #24Never Let Me Go Hiro and Zero Two continue their path to VIRM's home planet, and Squad 13 bring life back on Earth. ...
Major Similarities Between Darling in the FranXX and Deca-Dence 1. Monsters vs Humans Was the intro vague enough? Good! Becuase spoilers abound at this point. The first episode would lead you to believe the worst threat to mankind are these Gadoll that live on the surface of the Earth and...
If the story had actually turned out like this, I might have been more interested in the series. mudfire Apr 2, 2019 11:18PM ^^ we just had to settle with the barely on-screen other yuri couple benja Apr 4, 2019 3:15AM not even yuri could make me give a shit about franxx ...
DARLING in the FRANXX: With Yûto Uemura, Kana Ichinose, Nanami Yamashita, Saori Hayami. In a future world where humanity has been driven to endangerment by giant beasts, a strike force is assembled to destroy the monsters and save the world.