Each of these videos gives its respective Darktide class a subtitle / secondary name; these are actually only the defaultsubclassesfor the Veteran, Psyker, Ogryn, and Zealot classes – and we expect to see further distinct variant subclasses released later, a la Destiny 2. The videos lay out ...
I rolled a Veteran and once I got my hands on a Boltgun, I never let go. The sheer sound effect of a single shot. I would fire up the game again just to hear it, feel it. Its like, I don't even care if its sub optimal, I just need that weapon. In that sense, they ...
Dealing with distance and ranged enemies is the game's most significant hurdle, but there are multiple ways to approach it. A Veteran Sharpshooter might pick off ranged units from a distance, or the Ogryn may use their riot shield to tank incoming shots for the squad. My personal favourite...