Darksiders Genesis Nephilim Edition Sorry there are no links available for your country/platform selection! Darksiders: The Forbidden Land Finally play Darksiders with all four Horsemen together! Darksiders: The Forbidden Land is a co-operative dungeon crawler board game for 1-5 players. Take on the...
Darksiders Genesis 4.1/5 русский, English & еще 10 57.99 Добавитьвкорзину Добавитьввишлист Описание СначалавременСОВЕТподдерживалравновесиемира. Егоприказы...
Darksiders, THQ and their respective logos are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of THQ Nordic AB. All rights reserved. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners.Plateforme: PS4 Sortie: 2/14/2020 Éditeur: THQ Nordic Genres: Action Pour jouer à...
玩家将在刀光剑影之中穿越成群的地狱恶魔甚至天使,消灭所有拦路者,厮杀出一条去往地狱并返回的道路。《暗黑血统:创世纪》将让玩家首次看到游戏初作发生之前的《暗黑血统》世界,玩家可以操控天启骑士进行战斗!特色的收集、探索和boss战系统让游戏增色不少。游戏名称:暗黑血统:创世纪 英文名称:Darksiders Genesis ...
PS4-versie DUALSHOCK 4-trilling Vanaf het begin van de schepping heeft DE RAAD de Balans van het bestaan gehandhaafd. DE RUITERS, Nephilim (krachtige wezens ontstaan uit de onnatuurlijke vereniging van engelen en demonen) voeren hun bevelen uit en hebben trouw gezworen aan de Raad. Ze ...
儿子本地双人合作《暗黑血统 创世纪》Darksiders Genesis 带平台动作解谜的类暗黑ARPGYGYL02 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 1.8万 1 35:58 App 暗黑血统:创世纪(Darksiders Genesis)双人初体验 4.6万 81 10:38:03 App 暗黑血统1战神重制版全流程通关实况(完结) 4.0万 152 45:43 App 《...
Darksiders Genesis Slide 1 of 11 This is a modal window. Failed to fetch This is a modal window. No supported media sources This is a modal window. Failed to fetch This is a modal window. Failed to fetch This is a modal window. ...
3.3K ratings $39.99 PS Plus required for online play Supports up to 2 online players with PS Plus Online play optional PS4 Version DUALSHOCK 4 vibration Blood and Gore, Language, Violence Users Interact Ratings Darksiders Genesis Global player ratings ...