In FNF Darkness Takeover, Boyfriend is called to the rescue by the Griffins as the world of Family Guy begins to be overrun with corruption. Discover this...
FNF Darkness Takeover: Aftermath is a fanmade mod that tells the continuation of the original mod's story with a new frenetically-paced song. The virus...
Darkness Takeover (Also known as DT) is a high effort Pibby Family Guy mod made by a huge team of people including Weednose, Crotheon, MiniSymba, and more. The mod is currently in a streamer build, which means even more content will happen soon. The mod's demo was released in ...
🎮 ===---~~~ FNF High-Effort Pibby Family Guy ~~~---=== The darkness is spreading, rapidly, and it has made its way into a show called "Family Guy." BF is also pulled into this...
The dispensational garbage that the church has eaten up over the past century is really sad. We don’t take over everything, this place is Satans. The USA is NOT going to be blessed. How can God bless killing millions of babies? We are more wicked than 99 percent of other countries....