When Darkness FallsM. J. Spickett
RAINFOREST ADVENTURE TIPS 1. Find out about the trail and surroundings, be sure that you have enough time to complete the entire route before darkness falls. Do not stray off the path to chase after animals. 2. Use good judgment regarding the fitness level required for the trek(徒步跋涉),...
RAINFOREST ADVENTURE TIPS 1. Find out about the trail and surroundings, be sure that you have enough time to complete the entire route before darkness falls. Do not stray off the path to chase after animals. 2. Use good judgment regarding the fitness level required for the trek(徒步跋涉),...
it might be 18. Also, help them think about what time of day is best for them to take classes, study, etc. For example, loading all courses on two days a week might be helpful for commuters, but can be challenging to manage when midterms or assignments fall on the same days. ...