Is the area of a darkness spell opaque, i.e. blocks line of sight? So, can two creatures in a large well lit room standing on opposite sides of the area of a darkness spell see each other? I’m guessing not but just trying to reconcile the spell against how normal darkness works. ...
Does a warlock using the Darkness/Devil's Sight combo still have advantage on ranged attacks against a target outside the Darkness? 12 Can a rogue use Sneak Attack in a Darkness spell cast by another player? 3 Can attacks against an Echo gain advantage for unseen attacker? Hot...
Duration:Concentration, up to 10 minutes Magical darkness spreads from a point you choose within range to fill a 60—foot—radius sphere until the spell ends. The darkness spreads around corners. A creature with darkvision can’t see through this darkness. Nonmagical light, as well as light ...
5e Darker Dungeons 5eShaped 5eShaped_legacy 7th Sea 2e 7th Sea A Fistful of Darkness A Song of Ice and Fire ACKS ACPD AD&D_2E ADnD_1E ADnD_2E_Revised AEON-Aberrant AGE System APOCTHULHU ARC AS&SH AW AW2E-Burned-Over AW2E Ablaneda Aborea Aborea_new Abstract Dungeon (FR base) Ac...
Old World of Darkness character sheets had a spot on them for something called “backgrounds.” Most of these were benefits like Allies or Resources, things your character had that existed outside their actual stats. One exception was Arcane. This background represented the mage’s ability to ...
The problem is that dispel magic doesn't specify the area of effect. Doesn't the target of the dispel magic spell have to be the creature on which the darkness spell is cast? or can it be dispelled like an AoE dispel effect? dnd-5e-2014 spells Share Follow edited May 13, 2019 at...
When are you going to deactivate the spell, in what particular moment? You might say "when my turn begins", but the character doesn't know that. You could convince the DM this course of actions is plausible. But be ready (s)he won't agree, and the plan won't go well, even being...
-3 Can you use the Major Image spell to replicate/cause other conditions? -1 Can you cast silent image around someone, blinding them if they fail their save? Related 12 How can Silent Image be used to obscure vision in combat in 5E? 13 How Does One Investigate A Silent Image? 35 Ca...
, but are not so good that I would make a point of using spell slots and turns to set them up for myself and my whole party. It may still be a good tactic, but is not so dominant. What I've done with light and darkness In combats I use darkness almost exclusively ...
combat world-of-darkness vampire-the-masquerade-5e Anne Aunyme 21.5k asked Jan 29 at 18:14 8 votes 1 answer 310 views How are Ajaba Metis being "hermaphrodites"? I have not played W:TA before (but have been playing other systems since ~2009, mostly DnD variants and DSA 5). I...