"There was the true Light which, coming into the world, enlightens every man." ~John 1:9 "In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it." — John 1:4, 5 Please click this image to read about when...
To comprehend this, we may think of the analogy of a flame produced by burning camphor. When the flame burns up the camphor, the flame is extinguished as well. The flame is the means to dissolve the camphor, and in the process it ...
1. We start with the light of the Word, given directly by YHVH God to mankind. The true light is evidenced by consistency throughout the ages, miraculous events, bringing goodness, destroying evil and harm, and the holiness and tangible presence of God. True light is creative, and builds ...
Though you may imagine this thing, you cannotfeelthe full tragedy. You can’t comprehend the rich inner life of that child. You can’t understand her potential; your mind is not itself large enough to contain the sadness of an entire life cut short. You can only catch a glimpse of what...
The word “love” cannot tell me how to discern, for within the humanistic framework love can have no defined meaning. But once I comprehend that the Christ who came to die to end “the plague” both wept and was angry at the plague’s effects, I have a reason for fighting that does...
; but if you were man enough you would admit to yourself that there ywas in you just the faintest trace of a response to the terrible frankness of that noise, a dim suspicion of there being a meaning in it which you - you so remote from the night of first ages - could comprehend....
Their bearing, which was simply the bearing of commonplace individuals going about their business in the assurance of perfect safety, was offensive to me like the outrageous flauntings of folly in the face of a danger it is unable to comprehend. I had no particular desire to enlighten them, ...
enough; but if you were man enough you would admit to yourself that there was in you just thefaintest traceof a response to the terrible frankness of that noise, adim suspicionof there being a meaning in it which you—you so remotefrom the night of first ages—could comprehend. And why...
; but if you were man enough you would admit to yourself that there ywas in you just the faintest trace of a response to the terrible frankness of that noise, a dim suspicion of there being a meaning in it which you - you so remote from the night of first ages - could comprehend....
I had begun secret explorations of energies far beyond the scope of anything that my so-called tutors could possibly comprehend. It was at this time that I discovered a being of immense power - the Daemon Kil'jaeden. I was in awe of his heartless fury. To witness his awesome power was ...