Explore Fan Central Current andare challenging gothic turn-based RPG games made by Red Hook Studios that will test your mettle with formidable enemies, difficult bosses, quests and horrors to discover. Enter the world of Darkest Dungeon with the game that started it all, or explore the long-aw...
Corpses are the remains left by slain monsters. They occupy the combat position of the monster, temporarily preserving the original formations, and will disappear at the end of the battle. In the Butcher's Circus DLC, heroes will leave corpses. Note: Siz
Darkest Dungeon Wiki Others Like You Viewed Main Page Suit of Armor Decorative Urn Confession Booth Altar of Light Top Pages this Week Eldritch Altar 1 Bookshelf 2 Occult Scrawlings 3 Stack of Books 4 Iron Maiden 5 AdvertisementSkip to content Darkest Dungeon Wiki 289 pages Explore Darkest Du...
暗黑地牢百科http:杠杠darkestdungeon点gamepedia点com杠Darkest_Dungeon_Wikilist: https:杠杠steamcommunity点com杠sharedfiles杠filedetails杠?id=1095670238目录1.物品价值、堆叠与背包大小2.建筑效果与花费3.祖产转换与建筑升级4.补给供应与初始物资5.杂项设定6.buff相关7.effect相关8.饰品9.折磨与美德10.怪癖与疾病...
站位分析:2号位>3号位 推荐道途:天灾>狂人 = 躯壳 推荐加点:不亡>败血 其他技能:酸蚀之雨>坏死>惩罚/蔑死 12、赏金猎人 技能微调:新角色 站位分析:3号位>2号位 参考网站: https://darkestdungeon.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Heroes_(Darkest_Dungeon_II)...
Darkest Dungeon – Darkest Heroes “Darkest Heroes” (2017). Manga Studio. Client: Fangamer, Red Hook “Darkest Heroes” as a shirt design.
近战1可开启反击,闪避15近战2可击退3,闪避15。匕首3可出血,打2-3-4号。4技能不变。匕首5可攻击全位置。毒镖6可打1-2-3-4。瓶子7用2次。出生带2-4个良性特征,1个怪癖。7技能。放入DarkestDungeon\heroes\grave_robber里,注意备份。 3楼2019-02-28 14:49 回复 ...
用文本模式打开 角色.heroes.guid_overrides 就可以看到该角色所有动作和所衔接的音效代码了,仔细看可以找到关于7个技能音效的地方,在下面添加2条或4条反击命令音效,2条命令是1条击中时音效,1条未击中时音效,4条命令是该角色具备变身能力,所以要写两个形态击中音效和两个形态MISS音效,2条命令的格式如下:{"event...
暗黑地牢百科http:杠杠darkestdungeon点gamepedia点com杠Darkest_Dungeon_Wikilist: https:杠杠steamcommunity点com杠sharedfiles杠filedetails杠?id=1095670238目录1.物品价值、堆叠与背包大小2.建筑效果与花费3.祖产转换与建筑升级4.补给供应与初始物资5.杂项设定6.buff相关7.effect相关8.饰品9.折磨与美德10.怪癖与疾病...