The Narrator is a vital part of Darkest Dungeon, accompanying the player in their adventures and creating a dark and stressful atmosphere with his foreboding comments. The story of Darkest Dungeon is exposed through the narrator, who will give hints on his mysterious past as the player approaches...
Entrance of the dungeon. This shows where you started. A room that has unknown contents. The only way to see what's inside is if you get a scout or enter it. This tile means that this room has treasures. It will always be guarded by enemies. A room with a curio and a battle...
暗黑地牢百科http:杠杠darkestdungeon点gamepedia点com杠Darkest_Dungeon_Wikilist: https:杠杠steamcommunity点com杠sharedfiles杠filedetails杠?id=1095670238目录1.物品价值、堆叠与背包大小2.建筑效果与花费3.祖产转换与建筑升级4.补给供应与初始物资5.杂项设定6.buff相关7.effect相关8.饰品9.折磨与美德10.怪癖与疾病...
DarkestDungeon\scripts\effects.darkest在战斗技能后 .effect 中填写本文件name 后的内容即可使用相关dot效果。effect: .name "Strong Stun 5" .target "target" .curio_result_type "negative" .chance 165% .stun 1.on_hit true .on_miss false .queue true名字。不应修改。目标,填 "performer"或者“target...
暗黑地牢百科http:杠杠darkestdungeon点gamepedia点com杠Darkest_Dungeon_Wikilist: https:杠杠steamcommunity点com杠sharedfiles杠filedetails杠?id=1095670238目录1.物品价值、堆叠与背包大小2.建筑效果与花费3.祖产转换与建筑升级4.补给供应与初始物资5.杂项设定6.buff相关7.effect相关8.饰品9.折磨与美德10.怪癖与疾病...
No stress - Return to the Darkest Dungeon(Permissive/Strict)回归极暗地牢后不会有压力惩罚Remove Dungeons Level Restriction去除地牢等级限制,高级英雄可以打低级本Better Trinkets更好的首饰,去除所有饰品的负面影响Never Enough Heroes - Rostersize 1000(并不建议使用,招太多了人都找不到)允许招募1000个英雄,名册...
Added FX to Dungeon Region experience bars on increaseAdded in new art for all missing Curio states. WELCOME ABOARD, TRUDI!Added Date/Time to save slotsAdded more save slotsVarious UI tweaksExposed significantly more settings for future modding...and more! 7楼2017-02-08 11:58 收起回复 缘...
Without having looked at the wiki for the game, the player will not know what any supply item would do to a curio. It might do nothing at all, in which case it is wasted. If it does something on a curio, the supply item will gain an additional label that indicates what it does wh...
These also happen to be the biggest maps inDarkest Dungeonthus far; the only map that is much bigger is the map for the third (and most frustrating) quest in the Darkest Dungeon. They would be next to impossible to completely explore in just one go. Hence, the maps have one trait not...
断断续续搞了两天,参考依旧是,值得一提的是游戏自带的简中在怪癖翻译上还是有些问题的 道化師葉 8-1 33 【daerkest dungeon】steam成就一览 光速无法... 去Wiki上找的,翻译的时候参照了steam上的官方翻译 si四四is 11-20 239 新手攻略2.0修正版(版本号24357...