Hei (黒(ヘイ) , pinyin: Hēi, lit. Black), also known as the Black Reaper (黒の死神 Kuro no Shinigami) or BK-201, is a human who gained Contractor powers. He has worked with various organizations including the Syndicate and CIA. He is the older brother of Bai. Contents...
Become a member to see contact information for Darker Than Black: Kuro no keiyakusha. Try IMDbPro Premium for free Cast Filmmakers Images Videos Details Episodes Companies News Cast + Add Cast 161 cast members Name Episodes Known for Jason Liebrecht Hei 38 Wolf Children (...
NTSC Widescreen 音频 英语, 日语 字幕 英文, 中文, 马来文 光碟 DVD 光碟 区码 区码All CNY¥ 128.28添加到购物车 Tweet 商品名称 : Darker than BLACK 上架日期 : 2010年04月20日 片数: 2 片 重量: 190(g) 剧情介绍 Consist of episode 1 to 26, complete TV series. ...
Welcome to Darker than Black Wiki. We are currently editing over 300 articles, and you can help Please be aware that this Wiki contains information from the latest episodes and chapters, meaning that you may encounter spoilers throughout the Wiki. Please read at your own risk. About this wi...
Fortunately, she is rescued from the clutches of death by Hei, the most wanted Contractor in Tokyo. Though he is unsympathetic to her situation, Hei agrees to protect her as she searches for her father. But just how much should she trust the Contractor known as the Black Reaper?Tensai ...
Darker Than Black: Ryūsei no Gemini (DVD) Anime with English subtitle Synopsis: Consist of episode 1 to 12, complete TV series. Two years have passed since Hei and Yin escaped the Syndicate after t...
骨头社携手冈村天斋于2007年4月推出的、围绕超能力者展开的SF动画「DARKER THAN BLACK 黑之契约者」,在同年9月最终话落幕之际,想必观众们都是深感不舍并期待续篇再临吧。时隔两年后,先是在4月由负责人物原案的岩原裕二以「DARKER THAN BLACK 漆黑之花」为名展开新的漫画连载,当时也因此给众家FANS带来动画续篇...
Welcome to Darker than Black Wiki. We are currently editing over 300 articles, and you can help Please be aware that this Wiki contains information from the latest episodes and chapters, meaning that you may encounter spoilers throughout the Wiki. Please read at your own risk. ...
hika老师妄想录漫画 ,《Darker Than Black 黑之契约者》的同人作品。 纪子说黑的锁骨看上去很美味,于是银想尝一尝…… 手机上阅读RSS订阅 Chugignogue 发布数:43 hika老师妄想录漫画中有部份章节可能含有暴力、血腥、色情或不当的语言等内容,我们将对hika老师妄想录漫画进行屏蔽。 给您带来不便,敬请谅解!
商品名稱 : Darker Than Black: Ryūsei no Gemini 上架日期 : 2010年04月20日 片數: 1 片 重量: 150(g) 劇情介紹 Consist of episode 1 to 12, complete TV series. Two years have passed since Hei and Yin escaped the Syndicate after the events of the first season. Making their way to Russi...