本专栏内图片来源均为截图的网站https://darkanddarker.map.spellsandguns.com/。截图日期:08/16/2023,如数据过时可联系up更新。地图截图已打包上传到我的dad qq群群文件中,群号540698582。已设置无需加群即可查看群文件下载。 原网站除地图,还包含了所有怪物、宝物、隐藏信息的标注,有需要请前往原网站查看。
https://darkanddarker.map.spellsandguns.com/map/Crypt-01-N 遗迹一层 遗迹二层 遗迹深渊一层 遗迹深渊二层 哥布林 冰洞 冰冻深渊
Dark and Darker Maps During the Alpha Playtest #4, players could queue for one of three maps:Goblin Caves,Forgotten Castle, andForgotten CastleHigh Roller. While there was only one variation of the Goblin Cave map available, there were several different maps in circulation for Forgotten Castle,...
Dark and Darker交互式地图 在《Dark and Darker》这款游戏中,玩家将置身于一个充满危险与机遇的地下城世界。为了帮助玩家更好地掌握游戏环境、规划冒险路线,《Dark and Darker》推出了首款中文版交互式地图。这不仅仅是一份简单的平面图,而是一个集成了多种实用功能的游戏助手,它能够为您的探险之旅提供极大便利。
Dark and Darker Maps, Goblin Cave 1 Map Locations for items, characters, easter eggs and other game content, including Locations, Exit, Fountain of Speed, Location, Shrine of Health, Shrine of Protection, Loot, Barrel / Pot, Chest, Cobalt Ore, Gold Chest
Dark and Darker Interactive Map - Last Update: - Find locations of Bosses, Enemies, Loots, Shrines, Ores and more!
摘自:Inferno 01 HR - Dark and Darker Interactive Map (spellsandguns.com)KOOK链接:https://kook.top/CCvYzo内容为了方便我和我几个朋友能直接切地图看,大伙也可以瞅一眼 送TA礼物 1楼2023-09-28 09:07回复 阿熹哟 中级粉丝 2 标记的只有玩家复活点、祭坛、小boss和boss、一些金箱狮头、金堆、矿...
新手向的地图攻略。 2024.09.16 更新废墟地图。 2024.11.03 更新地狱A,哥布林宝箱。 水友们动动小手点个赞吧,求求了 本赛季铁锤更新了游戏内地图功能,在游戏内按'M'就可以显示(如图),所以S4开始不再更新原版地图,仅制作标识。 废墟1层 出口标志写在地图内显得过于杂乱,改为在地图下部标出,地图内用颜色方块表示...
Dark and Darker is a first-person fantasy PvPvE game set in a perilous dungeon full of traps and powerful foes. You load into each match somewhere in the