生锈铁环(錆びた鉄輪 / Rusted Iron Ring)是黑暗之魂1中的一个戒指。它的作用为:。 入手方法通过【重返】不死院捡取(不死院恶魔旁边第一次打不开的门现在可以使用传火祭祀场乌鸦巢跳到的房顶的钥匙打开) 相关信息过去用来拴住罪犯的铁环,现已锈蚀得非常厉害,并隐约地带着血迹 ...
The floor also counts as being deep water, so equip the Rusted Iron Ring in order to move quicker. There are also threeSerpent Magesdown here, as well as a sword-wielding Serpent who will eventually jump down to engage you. The mages will attack with lightning spells from afar. If you ...
None of this changes the game dramatically: Crown of the Old Iron King still plays like Dark Souls 2, even if the focus is more on the area I m exploring than the boss I m trying to dodge. I like that these DLC packs reward faithful Dark Souls 2 players, not just with new ...
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