DARK SOULS™: REMASTERED-黑暗之魂 重制版(完结) (15/16) 自动连播 1608播放 简介 订阅合集 1.北方的不死院+BOSS不死院恶魔 18:49 2.传火祭祀场+城外不死镇+BOSS牛头恶魔 34:48 3.重回北方的不死院+BOSS离群恶魔 35:56 4.城外不死教区+BOSS守钟的石像鬼,守钟的石像鬼 19:42 5.不死镇下层+...
Immerse yourself once again in the dark and challenging world of Dark Souls Remastered, but this time with an entirely new sonic experience. The "New Soundtrack Experience" mod replaces the original game’s soundtracks with fresh compositions, bringing a revitalized atmosphere to every area and bo...
游戏名称:黑暗之魂:重制版(Dark Souls: Remastered)支持系统:windows 8、8.1、10 支持版本:1.03...
Is there a 'Tony Hawk in Dark Souls' mod yet? July 6, 2023 Kaan Serin 3 comments Feature What's better: calling found phone numbers, or giant swords? Vote now! Jan. 4, 2023 Alice O'Connor 48 comments News Dark Souls Remastered’s PvP servers are back online Multiplayer ...
【黑暗之魂】七头蛇 Dark Souls Remastered 2022.04.17CL的杂物pan 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多1737 -- 3:05 App 【黑暗之魂/boss】“混沌魔女”克拉格 Dark Souls Remastered 2022.03.25 401 -- 1:22:58 App 黑魂3实况 古龙顶叒遇到bug 击败无名英雄 P12 6321 1 4:59 App 【...
Inside the extracted folder there should be several other folders that match up with the ones in your DarkSoulsRemastered Steam game folder (chr, map, parts, etc). Copy all of these folders in to your game folder and say "Yes" to overwrite files with the same name. If you would like ...
购买DARK SOULS: REMASTERED ¥ 198.00 添加至购物车 关于这款游戏 有一天,燃起了第一团火。 重新体验话题性、代表性十足的经典游戏。 经过画质提升,将以惊艳的60fps形式呈现,做好重返罗德兰的准备吧。 黑暗灵魂 Remastered包含游戏本体,以及DLC《Artorias of the Abyss》。 游戏特色: - 黑暗与深沉的世界观 -...
Then, there was fire. Re-experience the critically acclaimed, genre-defining game that started it all. Beautifully remastered, return to Lordran in stunning high-definition detail running at 60fps. DARK SOULS REMASTERED includes the main game plus the A