因为渺小,所以伟大 钟声响起,我,ashenone,连被烧资格都没有的灰烬,醒来了。肩负着传火的伟大使命,行走在腐败而雄伟的洛斯里克,挑战着迟暮的英雄们,他们不该再被烧一次,但这个世界需要火,所以再牺牲一次吧(吞神除外)。无数次you died 之后,我不断突破自己的意志力,专注力,反应力。从键鼠到习惯手柄,从举着大盾...
PREPARE TO DIE : DARK SOULS callujy 139 fire keeper ネコ僧 2838 希尔达 Fadingz(ふわチーズ) 1012相关推荐 今日热搜 骷髅END火魔法少女of the endBad∞End∞Night火焰纹章bad end光之美少女黑暗之魂3二次元攻击原創角色河城美取STELLAR_WIND水晶PC98揉みしだきたい乳泽北德克萨斯拉普兰德厚涂头像薇妹艺和泉...
剧情,对于这个游戏来说非常的不清晰,或者说,非常的碎片化,我们往往只能从一些装备的介绍上的只言片语来思考一整个局,就比如在得到了教宗左右眼才明白了沙利万的阴谋,才知道波尔多和舞娘的惨烈。在这里就不多阐述,因为我看到的也不过是管中窥豹。在知乎上看到了许多大佬对于剧情的解读,真的觉得很厉害。 “Ashen on...
2152 -- 0:12 App Farewell, Ashen One 1.2万 53 10:33 App 跳票多年的远古王座真的是好MOD吗? 9714 2 0:13 App 一把可以取消的直剑(迫真) 6722 -- 0:52 App DARK SOULS III 黑暗之魂3最后一级需要多少魂 290 1 2:01 App Dark Souls_ Archthrones 黑暗之魂3大型mod:远古王座 日蚀之兆Bo...
Fear not, the dark, ashen one. The Ringed City is the final DLC pack for DARK SOULS III – an award-winning, genre-defining Golden Joystick Awards 2016 Game of the year RPG. Journey to the world’s end to search for the Ringed City and encounter new lands, new bosses, new enemies ...
Dark-Souls Ashen-One, 莫斯科, 俄罗斯. 照片 - 1。 动态 - 1。 发消息给Dark-Souls Ashen-One或搜索您的其他好友,请登录网站或注册。
无火的余灰天生追逐火焰 「Ashen one,hearest thou my voice still?」英雄不会迟到 因为背叛是神的...
Dark Souls 3 (PC) is the last entry in the respected series of challenging dark fantasy games. Set in the world of Lothric, you play as the Ashen One, a person who rose from the grave and set out to defeat the powerful L ... ...
Prepare yourself to embrace the darkness once more with the award-winning, genre-defining fantasy RPG Dark Souls III.
Description Fear not the dark, ashen one. The Ringed City™ is the final DLC pack for Dark Souls™ III – an award-winning, genre-defining Golden Joystick Awards 2016 Game of the year RPG. Journey to the world’s end to search for the Ringed City and encounter new lands, new bosses...