Dark Souls III is the latest installment in the Dark Souls universe. Developed byFROMSOFTWAREand published byNamco Bandai. It is available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Help Us Improve the Wiki Awikiis a common body of knowledge freely edited by its user community. This doesnotmean images an...
Questions about Dark Souls What does this game have to offer that any other RPG doesn't? Take a look at theConceptspage! All the videos make this more like a hack-n-slash than an RPG. Is that what it is? Check theClassespage and theStatspage. ...
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创建wiki 登录 Dark Souls 维基 探索 黑暗靈魂 黑暗靈魂II 惡魔靈魂 社交 登录 探索 当前 黑暗靈魂2維基 48 个页面 探索 黑暗靈魂 黑暗靈魂II 惡魔靈魂 社交 大陆简体 中文 首页 登录以编辑 《黑暗之魂》是一款画面精美的3D幻想MMORPG,背景设定为“剑与魔法”的魔幻中世纪,职业已确定的有战士、火枪、魔法...
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Dark Soulsist ein am 07. Oktober 2011 in Europa erschienenes Action-RPG aus dem HauseFromSoftware. Herausgegeben wurde es vonNamco Bandai Gamesund ist der "indirekte" Nachfolger des PS3-Exklusivtitels,Demon´s Souls. MitDark Soulsgibt es Hardcore-RPG Action nun endlich auf PlayStation, Xbox ...
Para la variante deDark Souls II, véaseNodachi (Dark Souls II). LaNodachies una katana deDark Souls III. Descripción Una katana excepcional y particularmente larga, forjada en las tierras del este. La longitud de su hoja le otorga un alcance inmenso, pero también provoca que sea extre...
台湾万代南梦宫伙伴宣布,旗下代理由From Software制作、NAMCO BANDAI Games发行的PS3和XBOX360平台的机器人对战动作游戏《装甲核心5》(Armored Core V,台译“机战佣兵V”)与黑暗奇幻角色扮演游戏《暗黑之魂》(Dark Souls,台译“黑暗灵魂”),将在台湾推出繁体中文版。 《暗黑之魂》由2009年2月推出的《恶魔之魂(Dem...
For the Dark Souls mechanic, see Invaders. For the Dark Souls III mechanic, see Dark Spirit (Dark Souls III). A Dark Spirit is a type of enemy in Dark Souls II. Most Dark Spirits the player encounters will be in the form of enemies found throughout Drang