DownloadDark Souls III No Logo Mod. Copydinput8.dllto<path-to-game>\Game\. Keyboard Icons•Link RequiresiGP11. Replaces controller button prompts with keyboard ones. Game data•Link Configuration file(s) location•Link SystemLocation
Black keyboard buttons icons replacement for user interface. Share Permissions and credits This is upload of my mini mod from reddit, but I updated it a bit (cosmetic stuff).This is a replacement for buttons icons, so instead of useless xbox buttons you have keyboard keys corresponding to ...
A total overhaul of Dark Souls 3, its combat system, visuals, bosses, and more- intended primarily to bring greater balance and depth to the competitive multiplayer. Weapons are made more unique and viable, with new combos, mechanics, and more. 8KB 1.9k 68.5k 18 Keyboard Icons User ...