首先最显而易见的优势就是,PS4版只有30FPS的帧率(以及某些时候可能略微跳帧),而PC版在拥有正确的硬件下可以完美地达成60FPS。另外PC版在高画质下还加入了动态模糊,阴影质量也略有提升。但整体来说除了以上两点,PS4和PC版画质并无太大的本质区别。 所以PC Master Race大概会对此略有失望。不过回想当初公布系统...
《黑暗之魂3》将于4月12日在日本之外的地区上市,登陆PC Windows、PS4和Xbox One平台。据称PC版在硬件足够的情况下,可以保证1080P和60FPS的画质。
现在的游戏一个比一个要求配置高,你的显卡配置够不够玩游戏啊! 《黑暗之魂3(Dark Souls III)》 虽然大家对于魂系列的游戏最大的印象是传不起火,但不得不说,《黑暗之魂3》的画面做的还是挺棒的,推荐配置达到了970级别的显卡。 满满的暗黑风格,怪物们的造型也细化的十分逼真,开个最高那种真实感很过瘾,即使死...
394 FPS !!! borderless window! *for you linux users you'll need to add this line to the steam dark souls launch settings:WINEDDLOVERRIDES="D3DCompiler_43.dll=n" %command%*note I was also using vkbasalt and ds3 pvpwatchdog also and they did not conflict as far as I can tell.great...
All games Dark Souls 3 Mods Armour DS3 FPS Boost DS3 FPS BoostEndorsements 15 Unique DLs 1,127 Total DLs 1,282 Total views 10,667 Version 0.1 Download: Manual 7 items Last updated 25 August 2024 11:31PM Original upload 23 August 2024 9:12PM Created by fromsoftserve Uploaded...
全新多人联机免费生存恐怖游戏《吞噬者:猎杀之魂 | The Devourer: Hunted Souls》 00:39 画风可爱,操作简单,鼠标为剑,滑动闯关!全新动作肉鸽游戏《光标之刃 | Cursorblade》 00:31 二代更爽!全方位升级!全新赛博朋克快节奏动作砍杀新戏《幽灵行者2》 00:46 免费玩10天!猛兽派对开启预购和免费试玩周末! 00...
全新多人联机恐怖游戏《吞噬者:猎杀之魂 | The Devourer: Hunted Souls》 00:43 免费开玩!全新多人联机欢乐躲猫猫新游《城堡惊魂 | Sneak Out》 00:53 俯视角像素版生化危机?!全新多人联机恐怖生存射击游戏《低语山:爆发 | Whisper Mountain Outbreak》 00:48 攀岩模拟器!向上攀登、放平心态、磨练意志!
From Software 30 FPS Stutter Finally Fixed, But Only On Hacked PS4s This simple fix works, but at a surprising cost in another area of performance. Dark Souls PC Servers Remain Offline After Four Months, But From Is Working On Restoring Them ...
Unlock the frame rate in Dark Souls III. Installation Move D3DCompiler_43.dll and FPSconfig.ini into your game directory. The executable version will only work when the game is open. Edit FPSconfig.ini to your liking. Preview: ;Config file for ds3DebugFps[Settings]fps= 144.0;Fps CapUseCus...
The first boss lost me as a potential Dark Souls customer. Decided to give DS3 a try after hearing all the epic about these games, got bored of the first boss just wailing on me and killing me with two hits while me seemingly being unable to get anywhere near enough to do any damage...