I needed something to prove life still held meaning, still held magic. But everyone knew not to go out on the nights before Light’s Giving. All the stories said that whoever saw Türst was never seen from again. Those were the stories the Elders told. The stories Ama...
Before long, hissing seeped into the night, a full moon rising in the sky. I watched it through the window as it took over the firmament like a queen of the underworld. I focused on it to center myself as trapped fae souls took to the streets, whispering. The room went awfully quiet...
(不同职业对应技能参看V9) 兴趣技能点数=INI*10 91112 黑暗之魂3吧 len君怎么了 AI眼里的黑暗之魂来源:Appstore上的wombo dream,利用AI创作画作,支持很多关键词,有9种艺术风格可供选择。即使选择相同关键词相同风格,AI每次创作的作品也是不同的。 我用darksouls为关键词试了试,生成的有些画还蛮带感的,发出来...