Str - Strength, Dex - Dexterity, Int - Intelligence, Fth - Faith, P - Physical attack, M - Magic attack, F - Fire attack, L - Lightning attack, D - Dark attack, Ttl - Total attack, Bl - Bleed effect, Po - Poison effect, Fr - Frost effect, SB - Spell Buff, W - weight....
18 Int yet? Got some points into magic? Good, now you should have enough to carry around Warding and Soul Ray. Now pump some points into Vit and Endu, ignore dex if you want for now. Once you can take a hit and lay some out, pump up your Dex and Magic, bring strength to 22 ...
I can also tell you that the natural Str/Dex scaling of the best weapons is better overall than infusion for Int/Fth scaling. Lighting infusion only gives you scaling of B in a +10 weapon, the only exception I've found is the Defender greatsword which allows scaling of S with the in...
(No sex in Souls either but who'd want to watch two dried up undead humping around, ha ha.) JonasBeckman, Apr 6, 2015 #708 Mr.Bigtime Ancient Guru Messages: 20,791 Likes Received: 12 GPU: 4090 on Laptop Alex13 said: ↑ Depends on what weapons you wanna use... Look at...
Melee Dps classes and Bard put 25 stats into str, then the remaining 5 into dex Healer classes put 25 stats into wis, then the remaining 5 into str Ranged Dps classes and Enchanter put 25 stats into int, then the remaining 5 into str ...
POW18INT15 POW17DEX13APP11EDU9 SanityLoss:SeeingCaestir1/1d6;FearChant1d6/1d10 SAN85HP13 DamageBonus:+1d4 ThespiritofCaestirmanifestsitselftoachosenvictim,as Weapons:Pitchfork50%;1d6+db anominousfigurestandingintheshadowsofthenearest Skills:Craft(Farming)75%;Bargain50%;DriveHorse ...
Str - Strength, Dex - Dexterity, Int - Intelligence, Fth - Faith, P - Physical absorption, M - Magic absorption, F - Fire absorption, L - Lightning absorption, D - Dark absorption, Bl - Bleed resistance, Po - Poison resistance, Fr - Frost resistance, S - Stability, W - weight....