Dark Souls 3 is a classic game, but not all weapons are equal. Here's the ultimate Dark Souls 3 tier list with all the best games to help you win.
C-Tier On this tier, we have your average Dark Souls 3 weapon. There is nothing wrong with using them, you just need to be ready to be outshined by better weapons. In PvE, this might not matter since you can finish the game with any weapon if you are good enough, but in the PvP...
With refined mechanics, an incredibly detailed world, and a variety of awe-inspiring boss fights, Dark Souls III is one of the best games of all time.
Soul of the Twin Princes: Lothric’s Holy Sword, Lorian’s Greatsword, or broken into 20,000 souls. Soul of the Nameless King: Storm Curved Sword, Dragonslayer Swordspear, Lightning Storm, or broken into 16,000 souls. Soul of the Lords: Sunlight Spear, Firelink Greatsword, or broken into...
Dancer's Enchanted Swords, meant to be paired together Leyllara Corvian Greatknife Leyllara Irithyll Straight Sword Leyllara Firelink Sword Leyllara Staff of Izalith Leyllara Claymore Leyllara Lion emblem detail on the Claymore Leyllara Pages 1 User images Pages 1 2 > Jump black ...
Dancer of the Boreal Valley Oceiros, the Consumed King Champion Gundyr Dragonslayer Armour Lothric and Lorian Ancient Wyvern The Nameless King Soul of Cinder Quests and NPCs Dark Souls III in 10 Easy Steps Introduction 1. Character creation 2. Tips for beginners 3. Firelink Shrine 4. Death an...
Instead, their greatswords act as beacons to guide the meek through darkness. — FinalFantasyXIV.com Dark KnightDark Knight (DRK) is a job introduced with the Heavensward expansion and unlockable at level 50 with sufficient progression in the Main Scenario Quests. The job starts at level 30 ...
Since this is going to be a theme in this series as well, I had a similar thing with Dark Souls, actually. I didn’t really “get” the combat until I started watching videos by EpicNameBro that showed me all the non-obvious aspects and hidden “tricks”, like lowering your shield ...
Soul of the Dancer: Soothing Sunlight, Dancer’s Enchanted Swords, or broken into 10,000 souls. Soul of High Lord Wolnir: Wolnir’s Holy Sword, Black Serpent, or broken into 10,000 souls. Soul of Boreal Valley Vordt: Vordt’s Great Hammer, Pontiff’s Left Eye, or broken into 2,000 ...