You can check the desc file in Yapped-Rune-Bear-2_14_1. Most fields have explanations. If one isn't found, it may be necessary to infer from the numerical values. Tr1plexx member 0 kudos 17 March 2024, 7:23AM I'm sorry, I don't speak English, I'm using a translator... I ...
2. In the given box on the launcher, choose your root game directory. (where the darksoulsIII.exe is) 3. Clicking the blue button will enable/disable the mod, so you can safely switch between the mod and vanilla. 4. Press "Play" while the blue button is labelled "Mod Enabled" to...
Dark Souls 3 and Sekiro: Use UXM to extract the game files. Demon's Souls: Tested against the US version, but any valid full game dump of Demon's Souls will probably work out of the box. Make sure to disable the RPCS3 file cache to test changes if using the emulator. ...
Dark Souls 3 Cheat table(working) Gameplay Changes Uploaded:31 Dec 2024 Last Update:31 Dec 2024 Author:LeopardGamer This mod contains Cheat tables, I combined 2 different table into a single file, it contains many different options.For example:Soul gib, no damage to your characters, unlock al...