大剑-黑魂2 登录以编辑 大剑一览 道具名称 属性 攻击力 (物/魔/火) 状态异常 (血/毒/疾) 附加能力 (筋/技/魔/信) 格档 (物/魔) 承受 必要能力 (筋/技/魔/信) 耐久重量 巨剑 标准 95/0/0 0/0/0 D/E/-/- 60/10 45 18/0/0/0 220 5 大剑 标准 105/0/0 0/0/0 D/E/-/-...
The sequel toDark Soulsalso created by FromSoftware, Dark Souls II brings even more hardcore RPG action to the PlayStation 3, XBox 360 and PC! A trilogy of additional content was later added to supplement the original game.Crown of the Sunken Kingbeing the first part, followed byCrown of ...
Mask of the Sealer From Dark Souls 1. Item does not have any description or name. Crimson Robe From Dark Souls 1. Item does not have any description or name. Crimson Gloves From Dark Souls 1. Item does not have any description or name. Crimson Waistcloth From Dark Souls 1. Item does...
创建wiki 登录 Dark Souls 维基 探索 黑暗靈魂 黑暗靈魂II 惡魔靈魂 社交 登录 探索 当前 Dark Souls 维基 跳到内容 黑暗靈魂2維基 48 个页面 探索 黑暗靈魂 黑暗靈魂II 惡魔靈魂 社交 大陆简体 中文 首页 登录以编辑 《黑暗之魂》是一款画面精美的3D幻想MMORPG,背景设定为“剑与魔法”的魔幻中世纪,职业...
Dark Souls 维基 1-1柏雷塔尼亞王城 奥杜因 护符 本周热门页面 黑暗之魂2 1 黑暗靈魂 2 地图 3 惡魔靈魂 4 職業-黑魂2 5 跳到内容 黑暗靈魂2維基 48 个页面 探索 黑暗靈魂 武器 防具 魔法 遠古獅子戒指 道具 使用道具 Andre of Astora Ingward ...
《黑暗之魂2(Dark Souls 2)》是超人气动作RPG游戏《黑暗之魂IGN试玩演示视频》续作,在黑暗之魂2中将会有新的英雄,全新的剧情和一个陌生的新世界,带给玩家想要的生存挑战。在充满绝望和毁灭的世界中,嗜血的怪物和凶残的Boss等着你,只有坚强的意志才能活下去赢得荣誉。
About Dark Souls Dark Souls is the latest Action Role Playing Game created by the famed niche Japanese development team FromSoftware, creators of such franchises as Armored Core, Tenchu, Otogi and Chromehounds. Dark Souls is published by FromSoftware in Japan and Namco Bandai in the rest of ...
The consensus among Dark Souls players is that it's a waste to level up this stat, as doing so doesn't provide enough benefits. If the player wants to mitigate damage, better alternatives would be to invest inVitality(to increase Hit Points), orEndurance(to wear heavier, more protective ...
Dark Souls Wiki Top-Seiten der Woche Siegmeyer von Catarina 1 Snuggly die Krähe 2 Dark Souls: Artorias of the Abyss 3 Eid 4 Solaire von Astora 5 ist ein am 07. Oktober 2011 in Europa erschienenes Action-RPG aus dem HauseFromSoftware. Herausgegeben wurde es vonNamco Bandai Gamesund ist ...
The Darkmoon Bow is a bow in Dark Souls. In-Game Description Bow born from the soul of the Dark Sun Gwyndolin, Darkmoon deity who watches over the abandoned city of Gods, Anor Londo. This golden bow is imbued with powerful magic and is most impressive with Moonlight Arrows....