poise, again as if it were a percentage; a shield with 80 stability will only transfer 20% of the damage it absorbs to stamina, the rest being deflected completely, and it will take five times as many blocked hits to break the blocker's poise as it would if he/she were not blocking...
Ritsuka swallowed "Like people's souls?" "What? Well, there weren't too many sane humans around and I wasn't going to kill someone over something like that." Saber dismissed easily "Somewhere different, but I did not partake in the casual murder of the few sane left. Everythi...
在前作和续作《魂3》中,使用原素瓶补充生命耗时大约为1秒,并且原素瓶的使用(button press)和血量恢复到最大值之间几乎不存在延迟。而在《魂2》中,使用原素瓶需要超过2秒的时间,且血量恢复速度也肉眼可见地缓慢。当然,使用原素瓶和血量恢复的速度可通过提升“适应性”(ADP)加快(有关引入ADP属性的批评,见下文),但...
For the first game the only thing I can think of is DSFix which is still getting updates, for this though both the original and enhanced version now have utilities for dumping and injecting textures but I don't really know what's available, guessing the Dark Souls 1 and 2 "Nexus" websi...
For other uses, see Poise (disambiguation). Poise is a derived stat and gameplay mechanic in Dark Souls III. Poise influences the effectiveness of Hyper Armor, which in turn determines whether a player who is in the middle of an attack can be interrupted
For the Dark Souls III variant, see Black Knight (Dark Souls III). Black Knights are powerful enemies in Dark Souls. With the exception of the final area, Black Knights are unique enemies that do not respawn. They can be found in the following locations
In Dark Souls, when playing online, PvP is accomplished by any given player using one of several online-only items to "invade" another player's world or to lay down a challenge which another player can either accept or reject as seen fit. The worlds connect within set level ranges and re...
Bigger weapons in Dark Souls 3 have Hyper Armour towards the ending of their attack animations. Hyper Armor makes the player immune to stagger temporarily, making their attacks uninterruptible. The amount of Hyper Armor an attack has is influenced by the player's poise, so equipping heavier armor...
On that day, the Dark Elves will learn just how much of their souls have been devoured by their ancient hatred -- and they may not find the tally to their liking.[1c] LanguageAll Elves speak a single tongue called Eltharin, but the language has since splintered into different dialects,...
Dark Sun Gwyndolin 1 Gwynevere, Princess of Sunlight 2 Gwyn, Lord of Cinder 3 The Nameless King 4 Knight Artorias 5 Role-Playing Games (RPGs) AdventureQuest•AdventureQuest Worlds•Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura•Baldur's Gate•Biomutant•Dark Souls•Deus Ex•Diablo•Divin...