No different from "Demon's Souls" or "Elden Ring," the world of "Dark Souls 2" is dense with characters and locations that have rich histories. Players are thrust into a world on the edge of collapse, and the sequel to "Dark Souls" takes an even more melancholy tone than its predeces...
So instead of looking for reasons why this woman is lying, how about we as a society support her, and the other brave souls out there, who have stood up in the face of a shitstorm of abuse and cried out that this behaviour is wrong and cannot continue. But that won’t happen, becau...
“Yes, father. They were everything to me.” I lowered my head, letting the tears come, and saw his shadow behind me. Search Rest in the Nightshade This blog is dedicated to the darker side of my imagination. May you find it as entertaining as I do. ...
Which is a real shame, because now that they are no longer in a position to exploit anything other than the ebook rights, the fuckers are still grasping hold of every piece of intellectual property associated with a title like Gollum holding on to his ring. I hear reports that they are r...