Str - Strength, Dex - Dexterity, Int - Intelligence, Fth - Faith, P - Physical defence, M - Magic defence, F - Fire defence, L - Lightning defence, Bl - Bleed resistance, Po - Poison resistance, To - Toxic resistance, S - Stability, W - weight....
For you have unleashed the creature that we have feared for more than four thousand years. O'CONNELL Relax, I got him. ARDETH BAY No mortal weapons can kill this creature. He is not of this world. O'CONNELL Are we talkin, about the same creature? The walking corpse? Really big mouth?
I swallow against the dryness in my throat. The man is out ofeverybody’sleague, not just mine. Plus, there’s no version of this world in which he’s not marrying the tall, aristocratic blonde on his arm. And not just because that’s who the Elders chose for him, but because he...
这个mod为饥荒联机版添加了来自黑暗之魂游戏的武器。该mod包括以下几种武器: 1. 龙巨斧:63基础伤害,对湿润目标造成双倍伤害,减速10%,攻击速度20%较慢。武器技能:挥舞斧头击打地面召唤闪电,对周围所有人造成伤害,龙会受到任何类型的攻击多余伤害。当WX_78使用时,伤害增加6点。 2. 伊里西尔直剑:29伤害,耐久度55...
Dark Souls Wiki»Weapons»Hammers» Mace In-Game Description Iron hammer with a protrusive pommel. Standard weapon for clerics. This simple bladeless strike weapon is effective against most foes, and can break the guard of a shield. However, ...
Str - Strength, Dex - Dexterity, Int - Intelligence, Fth - Faith, P - Physical attack, M - Magic attack, F - Fire attack, L - Lightning attack, Ttl - Total attack, Bl - Bleed effect, Po - Poison effect, Di - Divine effect, Oc - Occult effect, MA - Magic adjustment, W - wei...
On that day, the Dark Elves will learn just how much of their souls have been devoured by their ancient hatred -- and they may not find the tally to their liking.[1c] LanguageAll Elves speak a single tongue called Eltharin, but the language has since splintered into different dialects,...
专栏/饥荒随手翻译:Dark souls weapons 饥荒随手翻译:Dark souls weapons 2018年12月31日 14:28709浏览· 8点赞· 16评论 sulingchuan 粉丝:319文章:26 关注并没玩过黑暗之魂,如果名字翻译有误,请在评论里指正,我会去修改的 增加了一部分...
The last strategy is to perform two frame perfect soul duplications in a row with the Soul of a Proud Knight. It would give me more souls, allowing me to level up to 20 Strengh and 12 Endurance at the cave bonfire (instead of 19 Strength and no Endurance, leaving it at 11). Therefo...
Fate: Souls and Singularities (Dark Souls/FGO Crossover) Created Nov 25, 2021 Status Ongoing Watchers 1,128 Recent readers 341 Threadmarks 337 Singularities. Points in Human History which have become corrupted with the presence of a Holy Grail with the end result being the i...