《黑暗之魂2:原罪学者》2小时 20分 4秒 全Boss 限制 最速通关speedrun Dark Souls II:ScholaroftheFirstSin膝盖Archer 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多3741 8 2:02:29 App 《极品飞车17:最高通缉》1小时 52分 53秒 生涯模式 一周目 不含DLC 最速通关speedrun Need for Speed:Most Wanted...
All Dark Souls PvP servers are offline after security threat is discovered The Trojan Horse is a notorious boss Jan. 24, 2022Ed Thorn 13 comments News AGDQ 2022 lineup includes blindfolded Sekiro speedrun As well as Deathloop's very first GDQ outing ...
在线看Dark Souls 3 – speedrun / распаковкаколлекционного.. 2小时 32分钟 36秒。16 4月 2018的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 2921 — 已浏览。 45 — 已评价。
Vasquez:I currently hold theDemon’s Souls recordat SDA [speeddemosarchive.com], first published on August 2010. Though it is still on the site, it has been obsoleted. That said, I’ve always been interested in reclaiming that record — I’m somewhat of a sore loser! GamesBeat: Can you...
我們曾報導過韓國玩家Jung Ho Min僅用了1小時42分鐘就成功通關虐心神作《Dark Souls 3》,可是這個記錄還沒保持幾天就被刷新了。日前Youtube一位玩家muzi_nasu竟然在90分鐘之內完整通關了《Dark Souls 3》的全部關卡,並且打敗了所有...
Infinite souls This exploit can be used with any of the Boss Souls you acquire after defeating a Boss. It can be very difficult to do at first, but once you get the timing down it becomes much easier. First, clear the tool belt of any items. Next, add an empty estus flask to your...
我用darksouls为关键词试了试,生成的有些画还蛮带感的,发出来给好哥哥们鉴赏一下。 290328 饥荒联机吧 🔥时光🔥 好帖搬运---汉化版不会有的内容 饥荒英文全彩蛋漫谈因为最近有吧友提到温蒂的台词,突然想到这个收藏已久的帖子,可惜帖子被删除了,不知道是作者自行删除还是别的什么原因。原帖发布于饥荒游戏吧...
For Speedrun Fast, Youtuber and Twitch streamer Distortion2 brings us a speedrun of Dark Souls III clocking in at a little over 50 minutes on the in-game clock. Ironically, the run was uploaded to Youtube on May 11, one day after the report of the three million mark. The actual video...
“Dark Souls”系列是具有優秀的遊戲性和極富挑戰性的難度硬核動作角色扮演遊戲,玩過遊戲的玩家也都對此印象深刻。現在系列的最新作《Dark Souls 3》也正式公佈,本作是《Dark Souls 2》的正統續作,同時,本作也將是“Dark Souls”系列...
Infinite souls This exploit can be used with any of the Boss Souls you acquire after defeating a Boss. It can be very difficult to do at first, but once you get the timing down it becomes much easier. First, clear the tool belt of any items. Next, add an empty estus flask to your...