红泪石戒指(赤い涙石の指輪 / Red Tearstone Ring)是黑暗之魂1中的一个戒指。它的作用为:。 入手方法位于【飞龙之谷】经过石桥后由蓝龙守卫着的一座高台(小隆德遗迹的正门),可爬梯子上到高台顶部拾取 相关信息以泪石之名闻名的珍贵宝石,会感应死亡的气息而发挥特殊能力 ...
Any% Kiln Skip is the fastest way to beat Dark Souls by abusing a console-exclusive warp glitch. The route is using the Great Club combined with the moveswap glitch and Red Tearstone Ring (RTSR) as the main damage source. The Kiln Skip allows you to skip the four Lord Souls, effective...
Unknown No description. Appears to be similar to the Blue Tearstone Ring.SpellsNote: These descriptions are taken from the Network Test Version, they are not found in the final game.ImageNameTypeDescription N/A War Miracle An ancient miracle, said to have been passed down by an ancient warrio...