文件:Ds1icon.png 基本信息 记忆空格 施法次数上限 必要能力值 智力 信仰 攻击力 魔力伤害 物理伤害 火伤害 雷伤害 雷枪(雷の槍 / Lightning Spear)是黑暗之魂1中的一个奇迹。它的作用为:。 入手方法有待补充 ...
PlaythroughHPSouls New Game 1,240 3,000 NG+ 1,946 6,000 NG+6 2,433 7,500 Drops Lightning Spear - in Sen's Fortress Crystal Halberd - at the beginning of Anor Londo Occult Club - the one in the hidden cellar amongst the four normal chests in Anor Londo Enchanted Falchion - in the...
Welcome to IGN's Walkthrough for Dark Souls. This section focuses on the area known as Sen's Fortress. Serpents, Pendulums and Damn Sneaky Traps First things first - you're going to need to know exactly where Sen's Fortress actually is. Chances are you've been there before, but were ...
Fate: Souls and Singularities (Dark Souls/FGO Crossover) Created Nov 25, 2021 Status Ongoing Watchers 1,128 Recent readers 341 Threadmarks 337 Singularities. Points in Human History which have become corrupted with the presence of a Holy Grail with the end result being the i...
On that day, the Dark Elves will learn just how much of their souls have been devoured by their ancient hatred -- and they may not find the tally to their liking.[1c] LanguageAll Elves speak a single tongue called Eltharin, but the language has since splintered into different dialects,...
Dark Souls Wiki Sign In Explore Fan Central Current Role-Playing Games (RPGs) AdventureQuest•AdventureQuest Worlds•Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura•Baldur's Gate•Biomutant•Dark Souls•Deus Ex•Diablo•Divinity•Dragon Age•Dragon Blaze•Dragon Fable•Dragon's Dogma•...
P - Physical attack, M - Magic attack, F - Fire attack, L - Lightning attack, D - Dark attack, Bl - Bleed effect, To - Toxic effect, Po - Poison effect, Fr - Frost effect, HP - change HP, HP/s - change HP per second, Len - Length of effect, FP - FP consumption....
Doomfire Warlock - Doomfire Warlocks feel the Dark Prince's grasp on their souls grow with every passing day. As the grip tightens, dark runes blaze into life on their flesh, an unholy fire that creeps slowly across the skin. If this process is not arrested before the Warlock's entire ...
“Yes, father. They were everything to me.” I lowered my head, letting the tears come, and saw his shadow behind me. Search Rest in the Nightshade This blog is dedicated to the darker side of my imagination. May you find it as entertaining as I do. ...
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