He is also interested in dark-sky preservation, global virtual observatories and astronomy education. So last year Brown helped enact a dark-sky ordinance in Pueblo County, which requires all outdoor light fixtures to shine downward only. The town is "dark-sky" compliant, meaning the artificial...
Historic town of Antelope certified as Oregon’s first International Dark Sky Community Dec 7, 2024 Historic Antelope is a small rural town in north-central Oregon, committed to protecting a significant asset the town has to offer, a night sky where one can “see the Milky Way from Main Str...
Dark-Sky Friendly lighting is safer for the eyes. If you’re worried about replacing your current fixtures for Dark-Sky compliant fixtures, don’t be! These fixtures are similar in how they illuminate our outdoor spaces. The main difference is how light is dispersed into the environment. You...
The core of the reserve is made up entirely of the Aorangi Forest Park public lands and 100 percent of the lighting in the core is compliant with Reserve Lighting Management Plan to preserve the night sky according to the IDA. Westhavelland (Germany) Westhavelland is one of the darkest zon...
Add a geometric style element to your home with the dark sky friendly Westinghouse Winslett LED outdoor light. The rounded fixture features a ribbed backplate, textured black finish and frosted glass panel. Shedding light downward this LED fixture provid