And if the band you're in starts playing different tunesI'll see you on the dark side of the moon"I can't think of anything to say except...I think it's marvellous! HaHaHa!"(歌词大意:有个疯子正躺在草坪上哈哈大笑,他只记得游戏和雏菊链,把一枚硬币扔在地上。有个疯子在大厅里,一群...
这就是流行音乐历史上最负盛名的专辑之一,Pink Floyd的《月之暗面》(The Dark Side of the Moon)。而在这张专辑发行五十年后,前乐队成员Roger Waters(下文称“水爷”)以个人名义发行了它的重置专辑“The Dark Side of the Moon Redux”。相信Pink Floyd的粉丝都会知道他的为人,以及他的一意孤行最终导致了乐队...
On the caseback, around the transparent sapphire crystal that reveals the dark side of the moon, a series of engravings are inscribed, including “WE’LL SEE YOU ON THE OTHER SIDE” – the final words spoken to ground control by Command Module Pilot Jim Lovell, just before the Apollo 8 m...
"The Great Gig In The Sky" 以一段对话开始,讲述人们对于死亡的态度,表明对死亡的无畏和接受,以及对生命的珍惜。"Money" 描绘了人们对于金钱的贪婪,为了钱不断工作和消费,讽刺地是,这首歌却是整张专辑中商业成绩最好的一首。"Us And Them" 描述了战争的场景,通过“us and them”来表达战...
或许你听过一张名为《The Dark Side of the Moon》的专辑,它成为了一代人探索哲学与思想的启蒙圣典,其中深入探讨的问题,不仅在50年前的发行时代,依然在今天,时刻挑战着我们对人类社会与世界的理解。 何为战争?何为和平?为何有人高高在上?为何我们自相残杀?为何有人团结?有人分裂?权力重要吗?金钱重要吗?究竟...
different tunes”(如果你在的乐团开始演奏不同的曲调)'ll see you on the dark side of the moon...
The Great Gig In The Sky全曲没有歌词,只有女声的呐喊,我只能用呐喊形容这首歌。天空中的裂缝,当时本人正处于人生第一次低谷期,面对现实与理想的差距,感受到了那种撕裂感,把自己整个人都要撕碎,我们每个人在面对现实和理想之间,是不是都会有这种撕裂感呢?仿佛在天空中撕开一道口子,我们只能一边承受一边在心里...
“The Dark Side of the Moon"是Pink Floyd的巅峰之作,也是使他们名声大噪、誉满全球的原因。经过了多年的摸索探险,他们的风格渐趋确定,技巧越磨越精,终于来到这一阶段,乐队从创作的各方面来看其水平都已达到极致,万事俱备,东风又起,如一道闪电般轰炸点亮世间,也是顺理成章的事情了。而整张专辑突出概念性,音乐...
Each Sunday, Pitchfork takes an in-depth look at a significant album from the past, and any record not in our archives is eligible. Today, we revisit one of the biggest albums of all time: its origins, its impact, and why it remains a permanent fixture i
Well,Dark Side of the Moon's 'Virtual Reality' game engine seems to be based on this very concept. For some strange reason, no other review I've seen bothers to point this out by showing actual screenshots that aren't videos of your character speaking to a non-player character (those ...