In Dark, Netflix’s first original German-language series, co-creators Baran bo Odar and Jantje Friese present an intricate mystery filled with curious characters, fractured memories, horrifying legacies, and more than a dash of the supernatural. The thriller aptly opens with a stunning sequence ...
Netflix’s first original German series — part of a growing foray into international productions, aimed at digging deeper into local entertainment markets — comes from Baran bo Odar and Jantje Friese, the co-writers and director of 2014’s hacker-thrillerWho Am I: No System Is Safe. It ha...
Dark web-series is produced by German TV producers for Netflix. Writers Baran bo Odar and Jantje Friese came up with time travel concept that is hell bent on challenging convictions. We have seen films like Predestination using such concepts to tell a mind-bending story and Dark seems to hav...
首次在巴貝爾斯堡製片廠 (Babelsberg Studios) 採用 LED 虛擬巨幕 (LED-Volume) 先進技術拍攝 2021 年 5 月 3 日,德國柏林:Netflix 與 DARK WAYS 今日宣布正式開拍眾所矚目的 Netflix 最新原創懸疑推理影集《1899》(DARK WAYS 是由香緹耶·芙里斯和巴倫·博·歐達爾領軍的新創製片公司)。 德國得獎影集《...
Shockingly, that show is NOT Game of Thrones, but Netflix’s German sci-fi mystery box original Dark. The comparisons to Westeros basically end with the inadvertent incest; Dark is more commonly compared to Stranger Things, and it also shares some DNA with Chernobyl, as well as some of ...
The intriguing new seriesDark, the most recent addition to the Netflix world of sci-fi horror, tells the complex tale of what happens whenchildren start disappearingfrom the small German town of Winden. Four families that dominate the town are strangelyinterconnected, and the story expertly revea...
Dark, which was created by Baran bo Odar and Jantje Friese, was Netflix’s first German-language original series to become an international success. At the time, the streamer revealed: “After the release of the first season we noticed that nine out of 10...
Taken from its final season, this is a fitting way to describe “Dark,” the first German Netflix original, a show that blasts you with multiple timelines, interconnected family trees, and more questions than you can hope to answer. The conclusion to this three-season series rages a...
Ultimate collection of dark web links to browse tor network/darknet/deep web in 2025. Dark web sites are listed with description & .onion sites URL.
In the acclaimed Netflix hitDark(the streaming service’s first German- language original series), worlds split, characters criss-cross through eras and mysteries become twisted in timeloops. ActorsLisa VicariandLouis Hofmannare at the centre of this spatio-temporal web, playing Martha Nielsen an...