Navy Dark Blue Color Hex #004c6a RBG rgb(0,76,106) HSL hsl(197,100%,21%) HSB hsb(198,100%,42%) CIELab CIELab(29.93,-8.35,-23.08) CMYK cmyk(100%,28%,0%,58%) RED 0% GREEN 29.8% BLUE 41.57% Navy Green Off the Grid
颜色: Dark Navy Blue Select a Color 对不起,该产品不再有库存 我们将竭尽全力获得您想要的尺码。 选择好尺码后,补货到位后我们将通过电邮通知您! 尺码: 选择 S M L XL/1X 输入电子邮件 到货时请通知我 Or Submit Special Order Request Discover more: Moncler 毛衣和针织衫 开衫 详细信息 ...
dark brown color 暗褐色 Vat Dark Blue BO 【化】 还原深蓝BO reactive dark blue 活性深蓝 相似单词 navy blue a. 深蓝色的 dark blue adj. 深蓝色的 navy n. [C] 1.(常大写)海军 2. 海军舰队 3. 海军蓝,藏青色 dark a. 1.暗;黑暗的 2.(颜色)深的;(皮肤等)微黑的 3.阴暗的,阴郁...
Dark Blue Color is the official color of the British Navy. Besides, web designers like to use this color. It is less bright than white screens.
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Figma color wheel Want to find the perfect complementary or analogous colors to match dark orange? Learn more Orange Embrace the energetic warmth of orange. Learn more Red-orange Embrace the bold intensity of red-orange. Learn more Use cases ...
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