当我们设置 delegate.localNightMode 的时候,系统会自动重新创建 Activity,如果你不想要重新创建,可以在 manifest 中对应的 Activity 中指定 android:configChanges="uiMode",然后重写 onConfigurationChanged() 方法,自己来处理切换逻辑。 感谢你的观看,如果对你有用,请点个好看,分享转发这篇文章,这将会对我有很大的帮...
我们可以在Application的onCreate()方法中调用该方法来设置Dark Mode,例如: importandroidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatDelegate;publicclassMyApplicationextendsApplication{@OverridepublicvoidonCreate(){super.onCreate();// 设置Dark ModeAppCompatDelegate.setDefaultNightMode(AppCompatDelegate.MODE_NIGHT_YES);}} 1. 2...
Hello, I am going to be using the office app heavily on my Samsung galaxy tab S7 at university this year and dark mode is necessary for me as my eyes become...
3.1 检测系统是否支持暗黑模式 // 在 Activity 的 onCreate 方法中添加以下代码intnightModeFlags=getResources().getConfiguration().uiMode&Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_MASK;if(nightModeFlags==Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_YES){// 系统为暗黑模式// 执行暗黑模式适配操作}else{// 系统为默认模式// 执行默认...
当我们设置 delegate.localNightMode 的时候,系统会自动重新创建 Activity,如果你不想要重新创建,可以在 manifest 中对应的 Activity 中指定 android:configChanges="uiMode",然后重写 onConfigurationChanged() 方法,自己来处理切换逻辑。 至此所有关于 Android App 的 Dark Mode 适配的内容就介绍到这里,关于更多 Dark ...
如果当前activity不适合改变dark/light模式,可在Manifest添加android:configChanges="uiMode",然后设置监听onConfigurationChanged overridefunonConfigurationChanged(newConfig:Configuration){valcurrentMode=newConfig.uiModeandConfiguration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_MASK 今日头条是先开启一个太阳/月亮的动画,动画结束后重绘when(current...
iOS users get it first. Dark Mode is still "coming soon" to Android and we're not exactly sure how long it will take. The good news is the Android developer community has once again come through for us. If you have root access on your Android device, you can get Dark Mode in the...
Microsoft To Do supports dark mode on Windows 10, Android, iOS 13, and macOS Mojave 10.14.2 or later. Windows To turn on dark mode in Windows 10, head to your Microsoft To Do settings and selectDark theme. You can also selectUse my Windows theme. ...
Activity层通过getDelegate().setLocalNightMode()设置深色模式。 当深色模式改变时,Activity会重建,如果不希望Activity重建,可以在AndroidManifest.xml中对对应的Activity设置android:configChanges="uiMode",不过设置之后页面的颜色改变需要Activity在中通过监听onConfigurationChanged来动态改变。
upcomingAndroid Q. While you will have to work your way through the Android Q Developer Preview in order totoggle the system-wide dark theme, Google is already experimenting with individual dark modes inside certain apps. One of these is Google Chrome, which received a dark mode on Android ...