或者如何将 youtube 设置为暗模式? 1. 我们直观的界面使切换模式变得简单快捷。 2. 无论是在桌面还是移动设备上,我们在 YouTube 上的深色模式都非常适合 Chrome 浏览器。 3.固定扩展程序以便您可以快速访问它 🔧易于使用: 不再搜索“如何在 YouTube 上设置黑暗模式”。我们的 YouTube 深色模式镀铬让一切变得...
Simply install an extension to apply a dark mode on Youtube.Black Youtube Skin is the only extensions which works after latest Youtube update.NOTE: YouTube is a trademark of Google Inc. Use of this trademark is subject to Google Permissions.NOTE2: You DON'T need this for the new You...
You are about to download theYoutube Darkmode 0.0.1 Extension crx file for Chrome based browsers: Enable Youtube's new Material UI theme ... The offline & original crx file ofYoutube Darkmode v0.0.1was fully archived from the web store server and is for home or personal use only. You...
YouTube Dark-Light Theme Switcher1.03 2024-06-30 点击下载 离线安装教程 谷歌商店 介绍通过直接添加到 YouTube 菜单中的现代且实施良好的切换按钮来增强您的 YouTube 体验。 > 只需从 YouTube 菜单切换器或扩展程序图标中单击一下,即可超快速地在内置深色和浅色主题之间进行切换。 > 如果您经常切换主题,此扩展...
Some sites, like YouTube™ and Reddit™, are already optimized for Dark Mode, but you can activate it for other sites too, either through Chrome's settings or using this extension. Once installed, Dark Mode magically transforms YouTube, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, and the entire web ...
3. How can I download the source code for Dark Mode? To download the source code for this extension from Chrome Web Store, it is recommended to useExtension Source Downloader. With this addon, you can download the source code as a ZIP or CRX format to your machine. If you want to dow...
Google appears to be testing a Dark Mode feature for YouTube in the latest version of its Chrome 57 desktop browser. The built-in mode was discovered on Thursday and shared in aRedditpost, and while the setting doesn't appear by default, a quick command in the developer console is all ...
Today, Microsoft has made the switch to the newest Blink version included in Chromium 80. Chromium is an open-source project that features a very powerful fast web rendering engine "Blink" to make your browsing experience faster, safer, and easier. Chromium is the base forGoogle Chrome, which...
This project is originally based off of the Dark Youtube Plugin, though a lot has been rewritten.This plugin is currently available on the Firefox Addon Store, the Chrome Web Store, and the Microsoft Edge Extension Store.This plugin aims to provide a quality dark theme for Crunchyroll.com. ...
"Dark Mode" that is a classic move from the company that has been there for a long long time! DuckDuckGo for me for the last 6 months as I striped free of gmail (protonmail) Chrome (Safari and FF) and anything related to Google. Now if I can just find a good alternative to...