The internet is rife with memes, we all know this. Some have cute cats doing silly things (yeah, I kinda like them, what of it?), while many others offer advice for dealing with the very conundrum of which we now speak. Grand, sprawling images of nature, soaring eagles, runners bursti...
50 Times Comments Were Better Than The Post And Ended Up On The 'Epic Comment God' Page (New Pics) 9 “A Physical Dose Of Common Sense”: Tourist Leans Out Of Train For Photos, Slams Into Tunnel Wall 10 50 Unhinged Relatable Memes That May Help You Laugh Through The Madness 11 ...
Lack of sleep, drug abuse, sexual harassment — there are a lot of messed up things about playing video games professionally that just come with the territory. Let’s take a deep dive into the dark lives of pro gamers, and put to bed this notion of gaming as a cushy dream job....
I haven’t worked on such a component system, but I’d worry that you’d get bugs along the lines of, “Well, when I put the slider on the left it works, but when I put it on the right, the scroll position gets messed up.” There is so much potential customizability, that I’...
33 【暗黑4】ROB|纯召死灵指南 Minion Summoner Necromancer Build Guide 16:05 【暗黑4】ROB|重击野蛮人 THE BEST Barb Build for Season 4 - Bash Barb Diablo 4 16:36 【暗黑4】Frostylaroo|暗黑4第4赛季的梗与访谈 Diablo 4 Memes Themes & Interviews (season 4) 09:47 【暗黑4】Wudijo|游侠比想象...
See how long it takes before the cultists stop by to let you know you messed up. “I can’t believe you wrote an entire article on atmospheric levels and you didn’t even MENTION the Fortress of Falling Into a Pit Every Ten Goddamn Steps. And only an idiot would leave out the ...