Pudinaah, a Dark Memes discord bot developed for unknows purposes. and for dark mode users : About Pudinaah is a discord bot that randomly sends a meme from the below mentioned subreddits mentioned in constants.py SUBREDDITS = [ 'FingMemes', 'Offensivejokes', 'DarkMemes_69' ] Current...
顶峰AscendEX (原 BitMax)将于 7 月 22 日 12:30 首发上线 meme 项目 Dark MAGA (DMAGA),开放 DMAGA/USDT 交易对,现已开放充值。 AscendEX(原 BitMax)平台旗下的 Meme 研究院团队针对链上数据及项目背景筛选出优质 Meme 进行上线,平台的 Memecoin 首发上线率高
📊 User friendly dashboard/tool for discord bot developers to manage servers javascript css html bot bootstrap firefox chrome web dark-theme discord panel discordapp discordjs discord-bot discord-api discord-js discordbot dark-mode discord-bot-dashboard discord-js-bot Updated Sep 9, 2023 JavaS...
Profile Anime girlMarenis a character fromDark Deity. They have been indexed asFemale Teen with Blue eyes and Purple hair that is To Chest length. TraitAppears asOfficial GenderFemale Eye ColorBlue Hair ColorPurple Hair LengthTo Chest Apparent AgeTeen ...
Discord : https://discord.gg/darkgamer Lagi Apa Yang Baru Sejarah Versi Versi 1.0.48 13th Server Transfer New Limited Alchemy Event New Power Page New Guild Dungeon Guild Raid Reward ImprovementPenilaian dan Ulasan 3.0 daripada 5 3 Penilaian hunridz , 20/03/2024 leveling is hard the...
Loot Realms 是 Realm Lords 的家園,不僅是治理的核心,也是遊戲競賽的場所。他們通過在他們的 Discord 頻道上舉辦 AMA 等方式支持 Survivor 項目。 來自Dojo Engine、Guildly 和 Bibliotheca DAO 的團隊成員具備豐富的遊戲開發和去中心化協議的技能。這個合作旨在在 Loot Survivor 項目中創造一個沉浸式且可組合的遊戲...
目前Dark Forest 官方的 v0.6 版本已经结束,且尚未公布下一轮的相关消息,根据过去版本的情况,玩家可以 zkga.me网?中填写邮箱进入邀请码候选列表,而在上一轮测试当中获得积分的玩家则在游戏前收到邀请码,一般有多余邀请码的玩家会在 Dark Forest 的官方 Discord 中分享,普通玩家可以去碰碰运气。
Once in a while, the internet goes absolutely nuts for something seemingly random. Recently, the concept of a Barbenheimer double feature emerge, and what seemed like just an internet meme translated into actual, real-world, box office dollars. Take that, Morbius! Barbenheimer definitely raises...
我来告诉你们真相—— 1. 欧美00后:高调搞钱,玩转信息差 他们早就不鸟传统行业那套了。美国00后要么在TikTok上带货搞个人IP,要么在Discord里组队炒Meme币,靠监控链上地址抢廉价筹码,等散户FOMO进场后直接砸盘收割。…阅读全文 赞同8431 条评论 分享收藏喜欢...
I literally hit my friends up in discord going “what did I just watch?”. This isn’t like The Lighthouse or High Rise where I know what I watched was good but I can’t make heads or tails out of how I feel about it. This is a movie that exists, had its moments largely ...