《Dark Matter A Novel 人生复本 Blake Crouch布莱克·克劳奇 英文版 进口英语原版书籍 英文原版 惊悚恐怖小说》,作者:Dark Matter A Novel 人生复本 Blake Crouch布莱克·克劳奇 英文版 进口英语原版书籍 英文原版 惊悚恐怖小说Blake Crouch 著,出版社:Random,ISBN:97
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Title: Dark Matter, a novel/ by Blake Crouch. Description: First edition. | New York: Crown Publishers, [2016] Identifiers: LCCN 2015040107| ISBN: 9781101904220 (hardcover) | ISBN 9781101904237 (ebook) Subjects: | GFASD: Science fiction. | Suspense Fiction. Classification: LCC PS3603.R...
Dark Matter: Created by Blake Crouch. With Joel Edgerton, Jennifer Connelly, Alice Braga, Jimmi Simpson. A man is abducted into an alternate version of his life. Amid the mind-bending landscape of lives he could've lived, he embarks on a harrowing journe
While a suitable candidate particle for dark matter (DM) has yet to be discovered, it is possible one will be found by experiments currently investigating physics on the weak scale. If discovered on that energy scale, the dark matter will likely be producible in significant quantities at ...
dark matterWe review models of new physics in which dark matter arises as a composite bound state from a confining strongly-coupled non-Abelian gauge theory. We discuss several qualitatively distinct classes of composite candidates, including dark mesons, dark baryons, and dark glueballs. We high...
图书 > 进口原版 > Romance(浪漫小说) > 华研 > 英文原版 人生复本 Dark Matter: A Novel Blake Crouch 英文版 布莱克·克劳奇 进口原版书籍 广州瑞雅图书专营店 英文原版 人生复本 Dark Matter: A Novel... Crouch Blake著 京东价 ¥ 促销 展开促销 ...
《[魔禁]Dark Matter》,Dimensionwr,《[魔禁]Dark Matter》之对不起,少女漫 灵魂转换 异能 少年漫,主角:富江(Tomie) ┃ 配角:垣根帝督(DarkMatter) ┃ 其它:魔法,科学|最新更新:2019-06-05 23:56:38|作品积分:446675
Additionally we show that within the same framework a suitably chosen fermion charged only under the exotic Abelian group can, in the region of parameter space preferred by the measurements, simultaneously explain the dark matter relic density and the -ray excess at the galactic center observed by...
dark matterWe consider the impact of relaxing some typical assumptions about dark matter interactions, including isospininvariance, elastic scattering and contact interactions. We show that detection strategies with neutrino detectors, gamma-ray searches, new direct detection experiments and collider searches...