Making her first appearance in the Battle City story arc, Dark Magician Girl is one of the most expressive and empathetic of the monsters in Yugi Muto’s arsenal. Whether she is snatching victory from the jaws of defeat by drawing on the power of Dark Magician, helping Yugi and Yami Yugi...
This film marks the first appearance of Kaiba's Blue-Eyes White jet in the manga continuity. In the manga, Kaiba's personal jet was a modified F-4 Phantom that had been salvaged from Kaibacorp's time as an arms manufacturer. This film marks the first time that the Life Point gauge is...
Physical appearance only matters in terms of, ‘there’s something special about this person that I can’t really put my finger on, but I’d jump their bones twenty-four seven.’ You might be attracted to weird people. Liked this? Plenty more where this personality test came from. ...
pushing her down to her knees, breaking my vows. She must know the Cleric is celibate. Getting one of us to sin would be a serious flex for a girl. Maybe that’s why she’s doing this in the first place.
AppearanceDue to being replicas of the Magician, they share his appearance. In Rayman LegendsThe introduction of Rayman Legends shows that the Magician, the main antagonist of Rayman Origins, multiplied into five evil creatures known as the Dark Teensies. These Dark Teensies spread throughout the...
One thing that is great about the film is it's extremely dark ending, it could have gone for something cliché and cheesy but instead goes for something very intriguing and different. So if you enjoy dark, dreary and cold films which are out of the norm for the horror genre, this one ...
First Brittany Murphy, now River Phoenix. On Halloween 1993, promising young star River Phoenix died at the age of 23, and while most of his devoted fans may have thought that his uncredited appearance in Even Cowgirls Get The Blues would be his final performance, 20 years later we're lear...
The protagonist of the manga materializes as the appearance of Rohan's Stand, Heaven's Door. The illustrations shown on props in the live-action film were drawn by Yumi Samata.[23] The pages displayed in the first episode of the TV drama were drawn by Masahiko Aoki. The rough drafts for...
First Generation[] Gary: An unassuming, bookish looking boy. The founder of the Midnight Society. Gary has a distinct fascination with magic, especially where the magician Houdini is concerned. His stories tend to revolve around cursed or enchanted objects with supernatural properties, and how in ...
The sudden rush to build new hospitals answered the first question: 2019-nCoV was a resource intensive disease. As it turns out, some 18% of those with verified cases require intensive care. This fact became mind-boggling as more and more estimates of the transmission rate bubbled to the ...