Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki Top Pages this Week 2
You can equip this card to a "Darkspace" monster. The equipped monster gains 600 ATK. If the equipped monster would be destroyed by battle, or by a card effect, you can destroy this card instead. RarityCommon Gallery•Rulings•Errata•Artworks•Tips•Trivia•Appearances•Names•...
Good girl –relationships must give you a feeling of reward; you live to please your partner; you have the nurturing kind of love that many people find highly seductive; you must be careful though because it also makes you a preferred target for predators; you’re a giver, so you attract...
Good girl You’re mine –you’re a person who has had to earn pretty much everything in life, from money to your loved ones’ attention and affection; to you, relationships can be hard work; you are often expected to be in control; expressing your emotional needs may have been labeled...
Dark Magician Girl – The beloved and only pupil of “Dark Magician”, and successor to all his power. First, let’s recap our main combos that we’ll be building off of.Eternal SoulandDark Magical Circleare the main core of the deck. You summonDark Magicianrepeatedly, and banish cards ...
Cornelius Campbell, publicly known by his stage name "The Amazing Alduin", is a world famous magician whose career is heading towards a halt. The theaters... Adagio Dec 30 2024 TBD Adventure Constables were only able to locate five small torn fragments of a girl's dress near the entrance...
“talk or go” after 7 years, its mother suspects it is a changeling. She follows the advice of a beggar magician, who tricks the child into speaking, whereupon it reveals that it was already 4 years old, 7 years ago, when her own child was born. On the advice of the magician, ...
Our melee skill reaches 1 as we fight, which automatically unlocks our first martial art, Brawling. Brawling is one of the best all-around martial arts in the game, and switching to it automatically grants us a ton of special abilities that we will automatically use in combat. These special...
Good girl You’re mine –you’re a person who has had to earn pretty much everything in life, from money to your loved ones’ attention and affection; to you, relationships can be hard work; you are often expected to be in control; expressing your emotional needs may have been labeled...
Instead he found a darling girl, and refused to let her go. For what better way to make the man pay, than to steal his little shadow. He is Dracula’s son. They call him Michael the Bad because the only thing that matches his wicked good looks is his vicious nature. Every creature...