The Dark Knight Rises: Movie ReviewThe movie's ambitions aren't matched by its material.Rainer, Peter
诺兰的结构主义——评The Dark Knight Rises 这篇影评可能有剧透 首先我申明我还是颇为喜欢诺兰的,但不管是爱之深责之切还是我本来眼睛太刁了的原因,虽然整体水平来说还是不错的,还算超级英雄片中的翘楚,可这部电影我确实有不太满意的地方,一一道来。剧情上,前半部分还是非常非常非常不错的,可是还是不得不说:...
Surprises abound in this one—some plot devices you won’t guess, some you will—but all in all, I think anyone who seesThe Dark Knight Riseswill be happy with the outcome. Experiencing the movie alone is enough to keep a smile on your face. The special effects will wow you, specifical...
“The Dark Knight Rises” is an impossible film to review in a vacuum. It’s interconnected with two other movies, so one has to compare it to those films, and by doing so also compare its performances to them. It’s also one of the biggest and most anticipated films of 2012, so ...
How A Shameless Studio Note Helped Shape Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy 1/12/2025 by Ben Pearson Slash Film Christopher Nolan | The Odyssey reportedly has a budget of $250m 1/13/2025 by Ryan Lambie Film Stories “Turns out I was right to be afraid”: Christopher Nolan’s Worst...
蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起的影评。从商业角度来看,确实是一部相当优秀成果的影片。导演克里斯托弗·诺兰极好的表现了一个“黑骑士”是如何崛起的。 本部反派贝恩名气并不如前作小丑那样有名,但作为唯一一个将蝙蝠侠“断背”的反派,也足以震全片...
Movie Review: If there was anyone who could top ‘The Dark Knight’, it would have to be Christopher Nolan himself. It’s no small feat even for the masterful director - not least for the fact that it would have been difficult to construct a villain as perfect as the late Heath Ledger...
The Dark Knight Rises Review I have never been more excited for a movie than I was for The Dark Knight Rises. I loved every single solitary second of Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. The Dark Knight Rises was the sequel to my favorite movie and the definitive end to what I could eas...