How to obtain the Dark fruit in Blox Fruits Screenshot by Gamepur The Dark Fruit is an Elemental-type Fruit that can be obtained through various methods. One way to obtain it is by purchasing it from the Blox Fruit Dealer for 500,000 Beli or 950 Robux (you don’t need it in stock w...
Boy: Hey can I borrow a knife! 一个致命的杀手... 让一个小镇充满恐惧的泪水! Male vocie: A deadly curse, 暗影之刀 评级为R级惊悚片 A deranged killer, 一切尽在Vice City影剧院 A small town in tears! Knife After Dark rated R.. for Retarded ...
Everything you need to know about the Dark Fruit In Blox Fruits, Dark Fruit is an incredibly strong fruit for how little it costs to purchase and awaken. This Fruit is a good choice if you're a Sword or Gun main, and it's also a great...
The Dark Blade can be acquired in a few different ways:[1] Buy it from the in-game store. The simplest way to get the Dark Blade is by purchasing it directly from the Blox Fruit store, although it’ll cost 1,200 Robux. Get it as a gift or trade. Any player with the Dark ...