Riotto, Dark energy and dark matter, Phys. Lett. B 571 (2003) 115 [hep-ph/0302080] [SPIRES].Dark energy and dark matter. D. Comelli M. Pietroni and A. Riotto. Physics Letters . 2003D. Comelli et al., Dark energy and dark matter, Phys. Lett. B 571 (2003) 115...
Dark Energy and Dark Matter in Stars PhysicGeneral Relativity and Quantum CosmologyAstrophysics - Cosmology and Nongalactic AstrophysicsHigh Energy Physics - TheoryMathematical PhysicsWe present the basic equations and relations for the relativistic static spherically symmetric stars (SSSS) in the model of...
Dark energy and dark matter account for most of the universe, but what are these elusive phenomena? NASA/JPL/Hubble NASA's Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) provided a true watershed moment in humanity's quest to understand the cosmos when it calculated the age of the universe and...
darkmatterenergy能量物质cosmological DarkMatterandDarkEnergyHitoshiMurayama290ESeptember5,2001Introduction•Wecan’tseeneitherDarkMatternorDarkEnergy•Thenwhydowetalkaboutit?•Thistalk:–Briefreviewofstandardcosmology–Big-BangNucleosynthesis–ObservationalevidenceforDarkMatter–ObservationalevidenceforDarkEnergy–Particle...
Constraining Dark Matter and Dark Energy Models using Astrophysical Surveys(使用天体物理调查约束暗物质和暗能量模型) 热度: Dark Matter and Dark Energy[暗物质和暗能量](PPT-30) 热度: The Future of the Local Large Scale Structure the roles of Dark Matter and Dark Energy ...
Physicist Patricia Burchat sheds light on two basic ingredients of our universe: dark matter and dark energy. Comprising 96% of the universe between them, they can't be directly measured, but their influence is immense. 文都...
Learn about dark matter and dark energy manifesting, and how this theoretical concept is used in physics. Discover the relationship between matter...
sponsored by the Italian Society of General Relativity and Gravitation, and brings together contributions from leading international authorities in the field to provide a review of the developments in the study of dark matter and dark energy, as seen from both their cosmological and particle physics ...
The topics discussed include the cosmic microwave background (CMB), with particular emphasis on its relevance for testing inflation; dark matter, with a brief review of astrophysical evidence and more emphasis on particle candidates; and cosmic acceleration and some of the ideas that have been put...
Dark Matter and Dark Energy in the Universe 宇宙中的暗物质和暗能量 宇宙是一个神秘而广阔的存在,我们所知道的只是其中一小部分。在这个宇宙中,有两个神秘的力量,它们塑造了整个宇宙的演化和结构,它们就是暗物质和暗能量。 暗物质是一种我们无法直接观测到的物质形式,它不会发出或吸收光线,因此无法被传统的...