Dark Deception Enhanced is a free update to the first three chapters of Dark Deception. It launched alongside Chapter 4 at no additional cost with the main goal so that the first three chapters of the game are visually and mechanically upgraded so they'r
Ok so first things first the monkeys seem to know exactly where you are and corner you and you just died so the tips is listen for the monkeys food steps but you don’t know which way they are so you just bump into them and I thought super dark deception chapter 2 has already been...
Thriller, sci-fi, religion or what。 Interesting story with of course the inevitable SEAL (and I do love them) who’s heroics save the day。 I prefer Ben Porter, a slightly overweight affable semi-FBI type in False Assurances, Threat Bias, Subversive Addiction and Vital Deception。
Public awareness of all this is growing. That's a start. Hence, climate change is a term widely used and discussed all over the world. However, the impact on politics beyond the usual lip service and grand but empty declarations of willingness to do something, is depressingly minimal. The ...
injustice that was being done to my girl. I mean I could chuck my kindle, and almost did several times. I could cry, which I absolutely did. A lot. I could cuss, did that as well. But at the end of that chapter I pressed on. Until press on I could no more…and now we wait...
Excerpt from Chapter 11 The Cosmic Vision in The Bhagavad Gita- KRISHNA “I am time, the destroyer of all; I have come to consume the world. Even without your participation, all the warriors gathered here will die.” Therefore arise, Arjuna; conquer your enemies and enjoy the glory of sov...
Discovering that the sinking of the ship is just part of an intricate web of deception, they find themselves in the middle of a cyber-war between rival groups of hackers, both of whom want to control the flow of data around the world。
CHAPTER VIII. NATURE, OR THE THIRD PRINCIPLE. There are powerful messages to be had in both of them that I have seen in no other place until now. Also... we have The Usual Health and related links that continue below= More gardening tips= ...
I thought I might get confused on all the different characters and their different stories, but, each chapter stuck with me。 I was so captivated by this cast of readers。In a world where life is so uncertain, I think the one thing that stood out to me is how death was treated as ...
5/5 ⭐️ Really great read。 I liked that at the end of each chapter it made you keep wanting to read the next! I thought I knew who the killer was about 150 pages in, but the author tricked me! Great for a debut novel! Definitely excited to read the authors next releases。